Remembering 29th October 1960

To this day I remember 29th October 1960 when our dear Lord called my sister, Nalini, home to Him.

Nalini on her wedding day in 1959.

She was beautiful, intelligent (she won the Pope Medal in Bishop Cotton School, Bangalore, in 1953) and soft as a soft toy. She was loved by everyone. Especially by me, as she took care of me.

Nalini with me (far right) after the wedding of our uncle K. M. Mammen Mappillai (Kochappachen)

While at Women’s Christian College (WCC) in Madras she was greatly influenced by Rev. Billy Graham. 

She returned to do her BSc in Elphinstone College in Bombay but because of “eve teasing” she joined the Nirmalaniketan College of Home Science where she had a few beautiful friends.

She was married in 1959 in Kottayam. I was busy studying for my school finals. She insisted that I fly down from Bombay to attend her wedding. 

Bombay after the wedding reception (1959)

She was to join her husband in London so we had a wedding reception at the Taj Hotel. It was a grand affair. She insisted that all my school friends attend the reception.

Nalini with the then Queen Mother at a reception at the London Y. M. C. A.

 She was happy in London. 

For some unknown reason she returned to Bombay for her confinement.

I came back to Bombay for my September holidays just after she arrived. She came to receive me at Bombay Central Station. 

It was a wonderful holiday as we spent time as a family at a Juhu beach resort organised by my uncle, K. M. Philip (aka Pappa).

It was time for me to return to Delhi. Nalini insisted she come to see me off at the station in the air conditioned  deluxe train.

She said a fond goodbye to me with tears in her eyes.

On 14th October 1960 she gave birth to a son. The good news was conveyed to me through the College Principal, Mr. S. C. Sircar.

However, that happiness was short lived. A week later, my cousin, Suresh, who was also in St. Stephen’s College, came to tell me that I should fly back to Bombay immediately as Nalini was unwell.

I cried all the way and rushed from the airport to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital on Malabar Hill, but Nalini was already deeply sedated. 

She had contracted tetanus from infected sutures..

She sensed my presence but there was little hope.

All we could do was sit and pray as she was wracked in pain. 

There was talk of moving her to another hospital which was known for treating tetanus patients, but that was not to be as she passed away on the 29th.

There is not a day I do not remember this beautiful soul. I know she is looking after me just as she did when we were little children.

Annikki at Nalini‘s grave in Mumbai (2014)

In 2014, Annikki and I visited her grave at the Sewree Cemetery in Mumbai. 

I felt her presence as we both stood at the foot of her grave and prayed.

Nalini is the one person who knows all my troubles, has shared in all my joys, from above. 

She is ever watchful and looks after me night and day.


Her son, Ashok, was brought up by my mother as my younger brother. Today he lives in Australia, a successful investment broker.


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